Gate to Korea Woori Edu Academy

Office address:
3F KS Bd., 60 YeoksamRO 17Gil,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-924 Korea
Tel. +82-10-3515-9195
Academy adress: Cheonan, Korea

Short term


Maximum of 10 students + 1:1 teaching system + Language Exchange Program + Friday Global Party

Through each month of a course you take, you will learn Korean through our direct teaching method, usually in a class of 4-5 other students (maximum, 10 students) who are equal to your level of Korean. Because of this pre-established system, you will be able to speak and write Korean on a practical level.

Other preexisting academies insist on teaching Korean to beginners, with English textbooks, using only Korean. Because of this, students find it extremely difficult to follow Korean language courses. That is why English is used in class as well.In order to help foreigners and Korean-Americans, we offer specialized classes in: adjusting to life here in Korea, passing the entrance exam for college, and preparing for a job. Also, you will be able to understand Korean culture in familial and interpersonal relationships as well as the workplace, thus possibly leading to other outside opportunities.



- Class Outline
Term Length Days of Classes Total Class Hours Class Time Levels Number of Students
One month Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 48 Hours 10:00 ~ 13:00 Level Beginner~Advanced maximum 10

- Learning Objectives/Goals
Beginner  The essential basics of grammar, reading, writing, and pronunciation for beginners of  Korean are taught. During class, you will learn 1:1 with your teacher that day's lesson of  grammar, vocabulary, and expressions. These things will be repeated and practiced in  class. By the end of the course, you will be able to hold basic, standard conversation.
Intermediate  From the vocabulary and grammar learned in the beginner course, you are able to converse  freely, though not perfectly. In this level, the focus is using more accurate grammar and   vocabulary, according to the conversation topic on hand. In order to sound more natural,   your teacher will correct your mistakes immediately, thus enabling you to speak more    fluently.
Advanced  This part of the course is using grammar, vocabulary, and expressions more will learn advanced    conversations, trade and business Korean, as well as the skills to find a job in Korea.